In today’s time, if you have urgent cash requirements and have to sort out multiple problems at once, the best solution for it is an instant personal loan . Personal loan helps an individual clear all his/her expenses, deal with emergencies, purchase gifts, redecorate homes and many more. Many people have opted for a personal loan sometime in their life. But today, we are here to tell you about personal loan eligibility . If it’s better than you can expect lower interest rates from the Bank. If not then you will get higher rate of interest from banks! Hence please take care of your eligibility criteria and be credit reliable! Employees of private limited companies, public sector undertakings, central, state and local bodies can apply for a personal loan. The person must be aged between 21 and 60 years. Any person with minimum 2 years experience and currently working at a place for the past 12 months can apply. Income criter...